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Purchase Card / Order Transactions

About Purchase Card / Order Transactions

To ensure the District taxpayers know where, when and how their money is being spent, the university Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) division will post all purchase orders and purchase card transactions on its website. As the university spends taxpayer dollars, their transactions will be made public. This new initiative is one of many tools that will assist in preventing waste, fraud and abuse. Purchase Card transaction information is updated monthly. Contact OCP at 202-274-5181 or for information about specific transactions.


The University of the District of Columbia Office of Contracting and Procurement division has created this dataset. The mission of the university is to provide timely and accurate information for decision-making; support executive and agency management in the implementation of business processes which will guarantee access to useful and well-organized information for the University, DC government workers, non-governmental organizations and the public.

More on Purchase Cards (P-Cards)

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