2020 Alumni Trustee Election Results
Thank you, Firebirds, for helping to shape the University of the District of Columbia’s Board of Trustees through our recent elections. We are grateful for your interest in remaining engaged and for your enriching suggestions. It is with great pleasure that the Office of Alumni Affairs shares President Mason’s formal announcement of the 2020 Alumni Trustee Election results and Certification Statement:
Formal announcement from President Mason
2020 Alumni Election Certification Statement
- Anntoinette “Toni” White-Richardson received 786 votes.
- Mildred L. Musgrove, Ed.D., received 709 votes.
- Barrington D. Scott received 627 votes.
- Bernard M. Grayson, Jr., received 608 votes
Please join me in congratulating new members Mrs. Anntoinette “Toni” White-Richardson and Dr. Mildred L. Musgrove, and returning to serve on the Board of Trustees, Mr. Barrington D. Scott.
Again, thank you for your participation in the 2020 Alumni Trustee Election.