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Master Gardener Program

About the Master Gardener Program

The DC Master Gardener volunteer training program trains volunteers in sustainable urban gardening practices. Residents who graduate from the program become certified Master Gardeners and go on to volunteer in their communities providing support to a wide range of garden-based projects and activities.

After going through the Basic Training and getting certified, Master Gardener volunteers become representatives of UDC, and work towards building a healthier city in partnership with DC residents.


To train volunteers on effective and sustainable horticultural practices, landscape problem solving, and vegetable and ornamental growing. The priorities of DC residents drive the content. It is DC-centric, urban-based, and most importantly, accessible to residents in all 8 Wards.

The program will be guided by UDC’s Equity Imperative and the sustainability goals of the District of Columbia.

Ask a Master Gardener Online

DC Master Gardeners now offers an online service catered exclusively to Washington, D.C., residents, providing online responses to gardening inquiries within 48 hours of submission. Whether you’re struggling with an unidentified pest or seeking guidance on fostering urban habitats for native butterflies, feel free to submit your questions here.

Our seasoned Master Gardeners are committed to offering their expertise and help solve your garden issues. We strive to address your queries, share additional resources, and help your garden grow successfully.

Click here to submit a gardening question to a Master Gardener Volunteer.

How to Become a Master Gardener

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