The food safety systems program acts as a business incubator with efforts towards providing entrepreneurs and local small businesses access to fully equipped commercial kitchens at a reduced rate. We offer kitchen management training, which supports efforts to improve food processing technologies that advance food safety and improve the safety of individuals utilizing commercial kitchen equipment daily.
Kitchen Management Training
UDC food safety systems program seeks to reduce the number of accidents caused by inappropriate use of kitchen equipment by offering kitchen management training for potential users of UDC commercial kitchen facilities. The kitchen management course is designed to teach clients, vendors, food service entrepreneurs, hospitality/culinary art students, food truck operators and community base organizations how to properly manage a commercial kitchen and equipment.
This course is an exploratory and introductory course that leads to commercial kitchen operations. It covers three common competencies that a food service professional should possess:
- How to properly manage and maintain a commercial kitchen and its equipment
- Proper way of cleaning commercial kitchen equipment
- Practicing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures
Lamond-Riggs Campus
5171 South Dakota Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017
$10.00; Payments can be made in the form of a check or money order. Payments must be received in person on the first day of the training. Also, participants may pay by cash at the Cashier’s Office in advance of class during hours of operation.
- If paying by cash, please use the coding: CAUSES CommK 3901K-P083.
- Cashier's office location: 4200 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008 / Building 39, 2nd Floor (directly in front of the elevators)
- Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except holidays)
Credential Earned
This is a non-credit bearing course. A certificate will be issued to participants who successfully complete all three training sessions.